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Xenesis, yet another constellation..

Xenesis is another constellation project that was under the radar at this stage as it did not make an ITU filing. There is a simple reason for that: it does not plan to use radio frequencies but rather will use optical links both for intersatellite communication and space to ground connection…The idea is essentially to provide network as a service in space for operators, governments or othe rprivate companies. WIth ultra low latency and more than 50Tbps of capacity, the promise (again) is to connect all of the humanity…

The system architecture is limited in satellites: a shell of around 70 satellites, another of less than 300 satellites and more than 100 ground stations. Overall, a system that is smaller than OneWEB and is potentially much less CAPEX intensive. The overall technical feasibility needs to be assessed as no demonstrator has proven this yet.

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